After years of studying repair in some of NYC’s finest shops, I have started my own woodwind repair business here in Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Currently working out of my home, I specialize in repair and maintenance of saxophones, clarinets, and oboes.
Hourly repairs : If your instrument was working fine yesterday but doesn’t quite feel right today, then stop in for an hourly repair. I can diagnose the issue and quote a time and price to resolve the problem.
Clean | Oil | Adjust : In time pads get dirty, cork compresses, oil gets sluggish, and woodwind instruments gradually go out of alignment, If your instrument has been played for a year or two and slowly becomes less fun to play, it’s time for a COA. In this process I will disassemble the mechanical elements of the instrument, clean the body tube and keys, as well as pads, change out oil and lubricants, and reassemble. While reassembling I will replace any materials that are compromised, adjust and regulate all of the key work to make sure everything is functioning properly.
Overhaul : If you just acquired you instrument used or just pulled it out of grandma’s closet, then you should plan on an overhaul. Many materials in woodwind instruments are natural and deteriorate over time, including leather felt and cork. An overhaul involves completely disassembling an instruments and replacing all perishable materials. The body and keys are mechanically restored to their original shape and everything is oiled and dialed into perfect playing condition. With regular use and maintenance a woodwind instrument will need an overhaul every ten years or so.